Krell XD gear in the House Initial Impressions

For those who were following a post we started a few weeks ago about considering bringing in Krell gear here is our follow up post after we just received the display gear.

We had 0 interest in adding Krell to our product portfolio before attending the Capitol Audio Fest we almost missed the room it was on the First floor in the back and it was VPI's room and we are not VPI dealers so it was almost a fluke that we even poked in. The huge Wilson Alex's were beckoning us in, so we decided to take a brief listen.

The sound in this room was mesmerizing, someone played Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side and there in three dimensions was Lou Reed and the three back up vocalisits, the sound was smooth, engaging, transparent, and has a sense of presence that made you take notice. 

So we started looking at the setup, VPI table $15k, Soundsmith cart $8k $110k Wilson speakers, lot of expensive Nordost Vallahalla or Odin but what was driving this insanely good sounding rig there in the bottom of the rack were two Krell 300XD amplifiers and a Krell preamp. 

Here was the best sound at this entire show, and the electronics were a fraction of the price of all of the other reference setups which were $80k monoblocs amplifers, $40k reference preamps and other such expensive gear. 

So we figured we would give the Krell a try part of the reason was logistics, powering our Paradigm Persona 9H is a $50k set of the phenominal T+A electronics from Germany, a $19.5K 300 Watt power amplifier, a $16.5 preamplifier and an optional outboard power supply at $13.5.

We have no issue with this gear it is incredible, however, we didn't have in this room a set or electronics which we thought would really give the T+A stuff a run for its money and yet be more affordable, so the Krell 300XD amp at $10,500 plus their Illusion 2 preamp/dac at $8k we thought would bring the price of doing a top notch system with the Personas down a bit in price and perhaps be a nice addition to our other electronics lines of T+A and Naim for top of the line solid state gear.

We hooked up the new Krell gear yesterday and even after only 24 hours of break in the sonic signature is very similar to what we heard at the Capital Audio Fest. 

The new Krell gear was liquid in the midrange, with nylon strings having the right type of roundness that makes acoustic guitar sound so right, tight well defined midbass, excellent rhythmic control, good top end extension with a slighly soft warm top end, and a big dimensional soundstage.

One of our questions is are there anyone on the boards who has this combo in particular the 300XD power amplifier and the illusion 2 preamp/dac we are currious to the affects of break in and how they improve. 

The sound after only 24 hours of initial plug in and break  in the gear is allready sounding ridiculous good how much better does it get and in what ways?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ  new Krell dealers


Yep, I thought the readership numbers would be off the charts, so was surprised.

Just a couple of my personal thoughts. Keep in mind I see HEA as taking a major turn at the moment.

1. People have mentioned the newer Krell look. I think Krell a couple of times got lost in the looks department and to me at times looked like products that did not spell sound performance but more a designer looking for a newer look not finding it. This latest style says "Krell" much like the very early units that Dan became so famous for promoting. Dan’s Krell had that eras look to it, as well I see todays Krell as looking like it should for todays world.

2. (kind of still in the looks department) Today’s Krell look I believe allows for the brand to go further down the money scale as the market turns to less expensive products, still keeping a sense of class. The days of expensive HEA components are declining rapidly. People will debate this till the market dries up completely, but I don’t think Krell needs to get booted to the door as many others are and will. I believe when the time comes for Krell to be in on the Class D amp movement (for example) we could easily see them coming out with a reasonably price classy product in the $2500.00-$4500.00 range and be taken seriously.

The big question right now being asked is where is HEA going to be after this generation of big spenders is gone. There are a few brands that are going to make it into the next era of exotic lifestyle audio gear, but I seriously doubt the big over built products stand a chance of survival, the way they are now at least. Will there be a HEA revival? Yes, I believe so, but it will almost go back to where we were before the price explosion and major size happened. Not sure the name HEA will be around but Exotic Audio Components will certainly be here. Adjustability will come back into the picture along with a more practical user application. I’m sure Krell is looking at this next step, as well all should.

So I for one am very interested in seeing how Krell re-enters the market not so much as a "needed to rebrand itself" or "restore their credibility", but more as one of the names that gave us modern High End Audio to begin with and using that recognition to help move us to the next logical steps in this hobby and lifestyle.

There will always be an Audiophile club. It will not look the same, and it will not demand the outrageous price tags, but it will be better now that we have all gone through our growing pains together. Innovation is now the name of the game and will soon replace "how much can you spend". I think it’s good having Dave & Troy here realizing that we are all taking a bite of this hobby. For one it shows us in real time where the HEA store is going and a part of how we together get there.

In closing, it is nice to see the name Krell back in the dating pool again. I would love to see Dan in an ad with the gang and who knows. Dan is family and so I understand the feelings being expressed. Maybe? you never know maybe?.....

Good Luck Dave & Troy and Good Luck to those who see things differently. Regardless, at the end of the day we all get to go into our own private concert halls to enjoy the greatest happening ever known to man (listener) kind.



how many hours are logged on the Krell amps now?
Happy Listening!
About three weeks ago, my Krell KAV 400xi was sent to Krell for repair as one of the channels was producing quite a bit of static. When Krell diagnosed the unit, they said it was DOA and beyond repair, the unit was more than 15 years old? Anyway, Krell's service was great, they offered me a Vanguard for half the retail price! I was told they just needed to perform a burn-in and build a remote (the remote reminds me more of a metal brick)! Anyway, regarding burn-in, I have not noticed anything noteworthy after running it non-stop for about two weeks now. Additionally, I no longer need to wait an hour for the amp to warm up, it seems to give you it's best from the moment you power it on. I can tell you after owning 2 entry level Krell integrated amps now, this Vanguard sounds fantastic! Though not noted, if you do some digging, the Vanguard has the ibias feature and does not run hot at all compared to my now dead KAV. The unit does have two fans that are not audible. I would like to suggest you offer the Vanguard series entry level Krell's due to their excellent sound quality, (class A) plus it's great looks and build quality (made in the USA). The price may bring in additional customers and offer a path to upgrade into the higher end Krell line over time.
Great post and definitely a perspective to consider. I never knew the old Krell, but I do like the new Krell. I’ve been through many 7 channel amps, and this Theater 7 is my favorite (and it's not even the XD version). I also don’t mind the Dealers posting here. It’s actually nice to still have some dealers around. By the way, my friend Steve here in Phoenix has a room with your pressure zone controllers. It’s absolutely amazing what those do for the sonics and soundstage in that room - much better to me than typical acoustic treatments I’ve heard in the past - the music sounds so alive and so well placed. Honestly, if I had a dedicated room, I’d be hitting you up for a setup.

Anyway, back to Krell. Again, if anyone gets the upgrade for a Theater 7, I’d be very curious to hear about it.
