Might I suggest starting this thread on the TuneLand forum or any expert audio forum who has a wider range than this thread. Without graphs, charts, diagrams and pictures your taking a subject that has been covered some 30 years ago and just adding to the circle of words.
Not that these are bad words by any means, just repeated over and over for the last 3 decades. By now all of you should be cable experts (if you have been in the hobby over ten years).
A new audiophile today can get up on cable knowledge easily within a couple of months if they know one thing, and only one thing needed, a community of folks who have already covered these topics and show the results in real time.
Audiogon is a cool forum, but keep in mind it's a beginners forum. You can be an audio beginner for 50 years and still not be experienced on the basic topics and issues. That's why you see the same topics repeated for 30 or so years. Audio forum threads unfortunately are not designed to be places of building documentation and references. Opinions? Yes, both more experienced and little experience, but without a good foundation usually. Simply put, your only going to get so far before the inexperienced and experienced get mixed into the same brew. Having to start the same topic again and again only really proves one thing, the whole is not documenting things properly and ends up falling into a hole instead of understanding a whole. No ones fault, just the nature of mixing fresh wine with old wine, instead of drinking from a properly aged vintage.