Get your First Watt SIT-3 now?

I am just saying this because I found it very interesting.  I just purchased (ordered) a new First Watt SIT-3.  I was hoping to save to upgrade my speakers but love my F7 and read so many great reviews on the SIT-3 that I thought, 'with only 250 being made, maybe I should pull the trigger'.
Well, looks like the right choice.  I trust my dealer, he has always been fair and truthful.  Anyway, he said when he contacted Pass, he was told I got the last one they are producing.  I had already paid for the Amp.  I heard they were making 250 only anyway, but mine is reportedly number 107.  What about the other 143?  Is it numbered in an odd way?  none of that matters.  
I only write this because if it is true and you are seriously looking at getting one, I would jump on it before it is no longer possible.

I am not a DIY.   You'd think I could as I can rewire a house from weather head to outlet, but I have never worked with transistors.  A question becomes - could you switch out the Semi-south SITs to the Tokin SITs on a SIT-3 itself?  Or are there other parts that would need to be changed.

I read about people upgrading their caps, etc and have no idea how or how to know what an upgraded capacitor vs original is.  All stuff I could track down.  Perhaps when my life is less hectic.  
V-FETs are finicky! The amp could be changed over but there would be more than just replacing the output transistors.

Even the old V-FETs are hard to find. BTW the kit that was offered makes about 25 watts. IMO the V-FET was the solid state solution to end the tubes/transistors debate, but Sony never saw fit to also offer driver and small signal devices, so the technology didn't go anywhere, like many of Sony's ideas...  But that kit amp is one of the very best solid state amps I've heard.
I have one coming to me, serial number 3937 ordered this week. Not sure how that relates to your number 107.
Amplifiers are typically manufactured in "batches", therefore, your amp could be one from the last production run/batch
The Pass Labs XA25 costs about the same as the SIT-3 and doesn’t seem to be tied to a Transistor Anachronism...both amps are well regarded nearly to the point of astonished worshipful reverence, but I want an XA25. Why? Just because it’s there, although I doubt my single ended tube amp is going to explode any time soon which would be my only reason to drop the coin on a Pass.’s there...haunting if they'd just put a meter on the front...