Who are some of elite sub woofers?

Looking to replace Klipsch 12d

So many choices.
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The Audiokinesis Swarm is one of the best subwoofer systems out there. Most do things like 'bass in the room but not at the listening chair' due to standing waves in the room; the Swarm solves this problem (provides uniform bass at all frequencies) while at the same time being relatively unobtrusive.
I was not trying to be a snob by saying elite! I was afraid high end would get 4 figure costing subs. I don’t want cheap just to have a sub or two.

I was not trying to be a snob by saying elite! I was afraid high end would get 4 figure costing subs. I don’t want cheap just to have a sub or two.
Good subs start at $1,000 and up .Elite subs cost a multiple of $K
The Vandersteen way provides great bass at the listening chair by analog EQ applied by using a microphone at the listening chair.
swarm is certainly good, especially if the War Department can tolerate 4 small subs placed around the room in addition to two ( or more ) main speakers...

for those of us with powered bass bass and EQ built into our mains, when adding a sub w EQ we get most IF not all the benefits of swarm... call me a Vandersteen fan boy....

elite should not be so so narrowly defined IMO
we have it really, really good with great quality subs right now, especially with value focused firms like SVS and Rhythmic 
i have no experience w JL

most people dial up the sub wayyyy to hot, .... give me quality over quantity