CD no more produced?

Except dictated shops, the CD's are stopped selling on major shopping malls.
Due to unavailability of CD started looking  at streaming, finally selected Tidal, but I am not satisfied, Using Teac DAC, Spec RSA717Ex integrated amp paired with Dali speakers

And also downloaded few albums through paid service for Hiresaudio and  burned to CD, the quality of sound is not comparable with Music company produced CD's.
Have Music company's have stopped producing CD? 


I am using my Oppo 203 for both CD playback and as a DAC for Qobuz via Roon. To my ears I cant tell the difference, if streaming file is same resolution as CD at a minimum, should there be a difference with same DAC in play ?  I have been happy with the quality, purchased a NAS drive with intent to rip CD's to my own drive, but fail to see the point if I can stream at same quality. As many have stated I suppose different discs/releases may differ in quality and therefore not always apples to apples. I have experimented and been exposed to so much new music via streaming I cant give it up.

Not sure where murgeshj lives but in Canada and USA the latest music releases on CD format  are still sold at major retail outlets like Wal Mart and Best Buy.  However it is true that with the rising popularity of streaming audio listening people are also abandoning their CD collections thus there are huge bargains to be had for past CD titles at second-hand thrift stores for $1 to $2, often in mint condition.
... in Canada and USA the latest music releases on CD format  are still sold at major retail outlets like Wal Mart and Best Buy ...
When was the last time you were in Best Buy? My local Best Buys haven't had new CD releases in many, many months.
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I am located in Thailand, things have changed drastically in past 2 years.No more collections, only audiophiles CD’s in few Audiophile shops.Even the Audiophiles shops the collection is limited.
I have seen many comments in this thread, prefer CD sound when compared to Streaming and my opinion is same.
It would make sense if Music company’s have their own online shopping we can buy the collections that we need.
Not sure in coming years what will be situation?
Really appreciate the major brands still release CD players. recently ATC has announced new CD player.