Recommendation for input coupling caps

I’m building a headphone amp and need a recommendation for a 0.47uF input coupling cap.
It is a discrete circuit and the output is direct coupled.

I have built this amp before and used Mundorf Supreme in this position.
I felt it sounded "compressed" and lacked dynamics (compared to other amps I built, albeit they were different designs).

Also, the headphones I will be using tend to be a bit bassy so would like something that is known for not bloating the bass and may bring the mids forward (if that is even possible to achieve by simply a cap).

Based on size and price, these seem like viable options:
Auricap XO
Mundorf Supreme Silver Oil
Jantzen Superior

I have also read about Jupiter and Sonicap Platinum but honestly can’t justify the price for this build.

I could be over-estimating the impact of this capacitor on the overall sound though, and can just go back to the same Mundorf Supreme.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated

Thanks for all the suggestions... hard to make a decision here.

My top budget would be in the price range of ~$40 per cap, which is already really pushing it as the entire build is not that high end.

@cal3713 thanks for the offer but those are way over my price range. (probably even at used price). they are also quite big, not sure if they would fit.

@terry9 the MIT RTX look reasonably priced at around $25 a cap, I'll take a loopk. The RelCap TFT's are too expensive at over $100 per cap.

@erik_squires @hifijunky will take an additional look at those MR/CMR's

@motokokusanagi the design is the RJM Sapphire v4. I participate in the build thread in DIY audio but most members there experimented with limited types of caps. My first choice (the Mundorf) was based on impressions there. Agreed that I don't have good evidence.. none the less am interested to try something else, which I could then compare to my current amp and see the if capacitor has the effect or not

Hi I am new here and is new to this audio components. I will have my first DIY amp pretty soon. As an analog engineer I am wondering what specifications of the cap that are important to the circuit are these options based on? Do these caps have specs that you can compare with? And do we know what those specs are that matters the most to achieve specific results?
 Again I'm not trying to say anything but just want to get more info before I start playing with the circuit.
"Agreed that I don't have good evidence.. none the less am interested to try something else, which I could then compare to my current amp and see the if capacitor has the effect or not" - fair enough!  

Just one last thought, can the input cap not be omitted entirely if your source has no DC offset? 
@motokokusanagi Yes, I believe it can be omitted...
If I put a dac board in the same chassis and connect directly, probably safe. But since the source is connected externally and can be replaced over time, probably best to say safe
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