How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?

I’m wondering how many A’goners consider a holographic image a must for them to enjoy their systems?  Also, how many achieve this effect on a majority of recordings?
Is good soundstaging enough, or must a three dimensional image be attained in all cases.  Indeed, is it possible to always achieve it?


we are looking forward to your initial thoughts and then hopefully a review of the Spatials when they arrive. 
As to room treatments and room corrections....

I have a concrete carpeted floor with another thick throw rug over that. I have some cheap rice papered changing screens and some ‘mass’ in my corners but those are my only room treatments. 

I found that that once I had proper power going to my woofers and very non-tube-like tube amp for my mids and highs, I no longer needed room correction or room treatments beyond what I have already listed. Everything just worked the way it should.

A high current, high dampening amp for your low end is a must. I still have ‘dance club’ bass but it is tuneful, fast, never bloated and it does not interfere with mids or highs. It just takes your breath away sometimes....

I am using Infinity Kappa 8 speaker. A very rare tube amp for my mids and highs and a BAT VK-500 for my low end. The VK-500 with BATPAK is just crazy good! 

Everyone should enjoy a good holographic setup. It’s like magic!
I was too lazy and my 185 lb Legacy Focus speakers are too heavy to easily move to the optimal position. So, I tried three positions and left them at 4’ from side walls, 9’ center to center and 5’ from rear wall. I sit 13’ feet from the front of the speaker. The speakers are angled at about 10-12 degrees. This is not ideal. So, over a decade ago I purchased Shakti Hallographs to focus the sound and expand the soundstage. Vocalists and instrument imaging is good but not always "touchable" when the correct Hallograph setting was found. I’ve since added a mid-room pair and installed 32 SR HFTs for diffusion. It works. I have depth and width of soundstage with precise imaging at the speakers and less so in the middle. The problem with either the room or the speakers still exists as to limit the imaging to high end standards. Otherwise, I’m satisfied with the great sound.  

I’m moving to a new dedicated listening only room (no storage of records). It has no windows, is rectangular and has built in bass traps (carbon filtered absorption paneling) effective down to 30 Hz in 12" deep wall cabinet type stud framing (plus other acoustic design features). If this radically improves the imaging, I will be surprised as I always thought the Focus speakers fault is that they don’t focus/image precisely. I will have to blame the former room then.
“Harmonic envelope” is a very good explanation of sound....almost holographic. 
The recording dictates what’s possible for reproduction in one’s audio system.