Dac’s with passive analog volume controls in their outputs, and interconnect interaction, is a bit of a furphy.
Most good quality interconnects are much less than 100pF (picofarad) capacitance per foot.
EG: Say you have average quality cable at 1mt long and 100pf per foot, worst case is 300pf capacitance, this together with the dacs 2.5kohm analog passive volume control, will give you a high frequency roll off still at a staggering 212khz -3db!!!!!!!! Faster than most amps can do.
And if the cable is 2mts long it’s still at a respectable 106khz -3db!!!!!
So as you can see this talk about active preamps being able to control the cables capacitance, is a huge furphy, thought up by active preamp makers to aid in their product sales.
And by going direct, you don't get the coloration's/distortions that active preamps bring, if they didn't they'd all sound the same. Just like going direct!
Cheers George