Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
Well, maybe taras22 should confirm that they tried their Double double assembly with the Red Dragon amps. 

Frankly, I don’t see how any SM assembly can be problematic for a class D amp if any of Teo Audio cables work with them. Teo Audio claims their fluid liquid metal conductors have a 1GHz+ bandwidth. That easily extends well into and beyond the bandwidth of switching frequencies of a class D amp. 

To remind folks about Canare StarQuad IC’s and Dual Canare StarQuad IC assemblies: These IC’s in their single configuration have 2 conductors per leg (signal and return). So the SM version has 4 conductors per leg running in parallel to the RCA plug terminals. That’s 8 conductor paths total into a single plug. No big deal. 
@ celander

Confirmed....with the caveat that the Red Dragon is a very well designed amp with proper care given to its power supply( please remember that our concerns with this cable technology that were voiced at the very birth of the Schroeder Method was based on our somewhat negative experiences with that technology prior to that point....we had experienced some oscillations during our initial tests and shelved the project. Given the success of this cable geometry since Doug took up its flag we can only speculate that the issue with that initial test was something in the other hardware, and our guess is that it was related to a less than rock solid power supplies. So please, do go ahead and enjoy this breakthrough technology but a bit of caution is just prudent since there is already a history of excess capacitance in speaker cables not being nice to stereo components).     
Ahhh...yes. I recall the power supply isssues you guys spoke of for class D designs. 
Put up a system using  two sets of Schroeder Method ICs with double speaker cables. I LIKE! :)  This could become addictive.  ;)