Your Listening chair

How elaborate is your chair? I use a beach chair and use two throw pillows to reach the tweeter height.Very transparent, acoustically. Only problem is the back support just ends up little below my neck level.And does not provide head rest-which is painful for longer sessions. My question: How important not to have a head rest on your chair? I have experimented with a head rest and sound becomes somewhat non-transparent loosing its ambience. Without the head rest sound is more open and natural.
Whatjd, Is it possible to get brochure from you?. Pl write me offline at Thankyou. By the way thankyou all for sharing your listening chair stories.
I use an Ikea Bentwood rocker with a footstool that matches. The chair back comes up just enough to provide neck support but doesn't block the sound. The chair rocks just a bit if you want to move with the music. The foot stool is not attached so sometimes it's useful to slide it forward and sit real close if Im doing an A B test. The only disadvantage is that it only seats one. cheers steve
Whatjd, looks like this thread may give you some business. I've been considering purchasing a couple Wegner chairs. I especially like the lambswool over bent oak chair (not sure of the #). My wife also thinks it's the most comfortable ever, but I have to present it as a design piece rather than "for audio". At $1k, I HAVE to present it to myself as "for audio" to justify. The local dealer couldn't understand why I would need a low back chair to "listen to the radio". Can I also get a brochure? (
I have a solid oak adirondack chair, which I bought unfinished and stained black to match my equipment, speakers, and rack, in my own listening room (no waf). And I bought a small pillow for a beach lounge chair from Pier 1 . I find this very comfortable, and have even fallen asleep in it. The height is perfect for my Klipsch RB-5's on 24" stands.
Whatjd, Have you tried the Van Der Rohe Barcelona chair? I've never seen one in person, but it looks like a good chair for the hifi. Can I trade you for a Herman Miller? I've got some cables...