The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
I have read some articles that said high end speaker cables are like smoke and mirrors.  Wouldn't you get much better results by using the extra $5,000 on something like a better amplifier or better pair of speakers.  If you were thinking about using $5,000 for speaker wire or using that money for better speakers I wonder what people would do.  Unfortunately, I have never heard a retailer demo speaker cable.
How much are dealers gonna make by demoing cables or room treatment or tweaks? Hel-loo! Besides, folks these days would rather hear the “pure unadulterated sound” of whatever expensive speaker or amps they’re thinking of buying. 😛
selling zen as engineering offends, as do split infinitives.

"to boldly"
 boldly what?

Not sure how gallium, indium and tin, a semi liquid goop, 1/15th the conductivity of oxygen free copper, is somehow superior to pure grade, oxygen free copper as a conductor for cables. I guess whatever makes a great sales pitch and you can stick the highest $$$ to.

Don’t know about youse guys but I’m always been surprised/fascinated at the reactions of dogmatic true believers when they run headlong into some figment of reality that doesn’t strictly conform to their tightly held beliefs. Above is a case in point where we have a self confessed true believer confronted with something that tilts his world.

The response is interesting. We see the use of a rather unflattering term, goop, to identify a key component of the profane and sacrilegious object. The fact the descriptor is dead wrong ( semi liquid has as a matter of course very high viscosity, like magma, whereas the "goop" in question is on low end of the scale ) but what are mere factual details when we have witches to burn eh.

The second part of the response, about the "goop’s" conductivity, is even more interesting and revealing. And yes it is true that the conductivity of the "goop" is about 1/15th the conductivity of oxygen free copper, but that has to be considered across another reality, thousands of cables with the blasphemous "goop" have been sold to very happy customers, who for some reason think those cable sound wonderful despite said conductivity issues.

So what in such circumstances is a true believer to do because on the one hand we have the One True Faith and on the other a crowd of happy customers who have strayed off the path of righteousness. Well I know what this particular true believer has done in the past when he comes face-to-face with cable heresy, he invokes the time honored strategy of true believers and banished them into the realm of otherness, wherein those customers are in some form all brain dead idiots and the cable makers just low life thieves that a used car salesman would look down on. Thus a quick and simple manner order is restored in the true believers universe and life is good .

There is however another way to possibly look at that, a way that btw has helped the human race evolve from some monkey-like ancestor to our current wonderfulness. This way involves looking at seemingly intractable problems that challenge our preconceived notions of reality and not dismissing them out of hand but instead trying to understand the problem and come up with a solution that expands our universe of understanding. So we have high conductivity yet we have a cable system that for many observers works incredibly well, and yes that doesn’t make sense in our current understanding of things, but you also have to appreciate ( and not denigrate and/or ignore ) that it stands in quite stark opposition to that understanding. My thought is the forward monkey would try to figure out the problem and come up with an answer ( whereas the dogmatic monkey would most likely head back to the safety of his leafy home ). Like maybe consider that conductivity in and of itself maybe does not define whether a cable do its job well or not. And while we are at it figure why the Schroeder Method, despite raising the capacitance of a cable assembly and gravely and obviously sinning against the One and True LCR, produces such stunning results.

And just thinking, but maybe our company motto should be "Cables: the final audio frontier. These are the voyages of TEO Audio. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new ideas, to seek out new solutions and new technologies, to boldly go where no cable has gone before. "....full non sequiturs ahead..... but the split infinitives can’nae take any more, captain....