Your Listening chair

How elaborate is your chair? I use a beach chair and use two throw pillows to reach the tweeter height.Very transparent, acoustically. Only problem is the back support just ends up little below my neck level.And does not provide head rest-which is painful for longer sessions. My question: How important not to have a head rest on your chair? I have experimented with a head rest and sound becomes somewhat non-transparent loosing its ambience. Without the head rest sound is more open and natural.
I use an Ekornes stressless chair. Reclines fully, swivels and non-intrusive headrest. Very good back and neck support, upholstered in comfortable leather. Only drawback is cost, I got mine for about $1100 on sale.
I, too have the ekornes stressless, and I've found that it is a better computer chair than listening chair. I have the Kensington model, and I paid around 11 hundred as well. I'm fairly tall, but my ears are still below the top of the chair, and I find that the chairback is a reflective surface, even though the leather is SOOOO soft. Better to use something else. Whatjd, I'm so jealous. I wish I could get into the Miller Eames Lounge chair, especially at dealer cost!!! As far as I'm concerned, you have the second best job on the planet!! Have you tried the Corbusier LC1 Basculant chair? It supposedly reclines, but I just cant see how from any pics I've seen. It appears to be a good contender, however.
Gthirteen, I to assume that you, like I, consider being a Ferrari test be the best job on the planet? ...As far as actual jobs...that would be my choice....however, being a good my number 1 vocation.
Good stuff guys!!!. I did not know all thoes fancy (both visually and $$$) furniture /designer names existed!!!