new L100?

Anyone get a chance to take a listen to the (new) JBL L100 speakers?  If so, what are your thoughts?

"Makes me wonder what Abbey Road Studios in London was doing back in the 60's and 70's. Or were they WAY ahead of the curve...."

Genius: exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability

The whole recording thing was and is absolutely genius.


 @mr_m Next time you are in town, I will borrow brother in laws L-100 with the authentic wood frame cloth grills and we can listen to them side by side w TREO

i had L-40, L-110 growing up... Foghat never sound “ right “ on anything more ... ha one could really wake the 110 up with a 210 wpc Phillips amp...

a fun thread, yes studio rats have different perspectives, one reason why I don’t use convoluted chain recordings as any kind of reference- all that does is guarantees tail chasing, from record to record.....see a LOT of that

but that is a different thread

this thread is about JBL being back with products of interest to music loves and Audiophile, sometimes the same person...


Sounds good to me. I'll bring over a Mofi Original Master recording of Foghat's "Fool for the City." LP. Slow Ride is one of my faves. No nice guys here, were gonna bust the lease that night!  Right? ;-)

P.S. Don't forget the Knob Creek Rye, hehehehe...