Upgrade? Luxman M-900u and C-900u from Pass X250.8 - Simaudio Evolution P-8

I am thinking about trading my Pass Labs X250.8 amp and Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Preamp

Luxman M-900u and C-900u

I was looking at new ARC REF 6 and used Pass Labs X350.8 but the dealer swears for same money he can get me this Luxman combo brand new and it will be much better? He has never mislead me in the past.

What do you guys think?

I will be using with brand new Magico S5 MK II that are being delivered this week. I don't listen real loud and also use Bricasti M1SE DAC and Kubala-Sosna Emotion/Elation Full Cable Loom.

Please anyone that knows or has an option please let me know your thoughts.

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Great info.
Thank you


So my new Magico S5 MK II Speakers that I ordered on November 11, 2018 were delivered and installed in my room 3 days ago and I am psyched.

I never ordered speakers brand new and had them made for me before this way just like I want them so the wait was not fun but the idea and process sure was.

They sound totally different then original S5 which is kind of odd. They look similar but sound nothing like the originals. They have totally different drivers, cables, crossovers and the cabinet looks similar but is totally different so I guess it makes sense but I was thinking more of a evolutionary sound then a totally different sound but they are nothing like the old ones. Still burning them in and will be for the next month or so but they are awesome and I am psyched. 

For the amp choice I decided to go with Pass Labs XA160.8 Mono-blocks because I love the Pass sound and the company so hopefully they are just a nice upgrade from Pass X250.8.

I appreciate the info and help on this thread. 

Keep us posted as you massage these new Magico speakers into your room/space.  Happy Listening!
Thanks jafant,
I love my new Magico's and LOVE my new Pass Labs XA-160.8 Monoblocks.

Pass just works for me. I know there are better this and that I just have always like Pass Labs.

This is my 6th or 7th Pass amp when counting my First Watt amps. I thought about others but glad I stuck with my gut. I love these amps or maybe it is my new speakers that I love or maybe both but either way I am psyched. 

Now I am thinking about try another preamp.

Thinking about trying a non tubey modern tube amp?

Was thinking about maybe ARC 40th Anniversary preamp?

Not sure just one of the ones I am thinking about.

I have Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 pre and really like it but want try something else.

Have not had any tubes in a long time so thinking about trying one. 

Anyone know anything about these?
three things i know for sure.
1. you have a serious system problem if one thinks the luxman amp is dull. in fact a serious problem. it extends into the stratosphere w very refined detail. 
2. the service is over the top. one of the best i’ve ever had. Jeff Sigmund the distributor is awesome. He always answers the phone and his emails.
3. the build quality is second to none. inspect a C-900u and M-900u and draw your own conclusion.

Actually Luxman had all kinds of problems with the former Distributor and that was why they made a change and took it back in house.

Now they have a new person in the US that works for them or is contracted to work for them or the like hence the Luxman US division.  

The former Distributor was marking up the products up way too much as well as providing poor service and the wait times were poor as the stock carried in the us was way too low for the demand.  

That is why the M/C900u are now $15k where they were asking another $4k-$5k more. Those issues were real and legit. 

Now they do have a new person in the US the Luxman brand with all their great new products is flourishing under. I’m sure he is doing great and great to deal with but those former issues were legit issues that Luxman has a carry in their bag.

 I heard many good things about the M-900u - C-900u and the only reason I didn’t go that route was I would have needed 2 of the 900 amps and just didn’t have the money for them but everyone raved about them. 

That said they are proported to be smooth and refined amps and I can easily see in some systems with the ill or the wrong matching warmer or thicker cabling cables and/or speakers they could be interpreted as being boring to thier taste and/or preference in relation to say a brighter or hotter combo that would work better with those matching components the persons preference. I mean two other, different members had both just stated the same thing. 

It what it is but those two felt that way and we all hear and like different things so not sure it means their systems have a serious problem just because their like and or dislikes are different then yours? To each their own I say. Rooms play such a big part in the sound as well. So many variables bearing down on the final product never mind the difference in hearing and preferences.