What to do with my old equipment being replaced?

I have been purchasing new equipment, and upon the expected delivery of my new speakers by the end of this month I’ill be setting up my new system. Today I took apart the old system that has kept me company since the late seventies and put all the components, my old friends, in the storeroom. The components are a pair of Dahlquist DQ 10’s, a Bang & Olusen 4004 turntable, a Phase Liner 400 amp, a matching Phase Linear 4000 preamp, and a matching Phase Linear 5000 tuner I also have an extra Beogram 4002 parts machine and an old Burwen TNE 7000A Transient Noise Eliminator that hasn’t been used in years. My question for you is what should I do with this vintage stuff?

I really have no more use for this equipment. My thoughts are this stuff is so old maybe I should relegate it to the great beyond, rather than subject somebody else to trying to keep these components going. Or maybe I should somehow try and give away the components that are still working perfectly.

The condition of the components is as follows:

The B&O turntable’s tangential straight arm tracking stopped in its tracks two weeks ago. There’s repairs to do sporadically, that I research and try and do myself because the local repair techs can’t I figure out how to do them. I figure it’s time to toss this one and the extra parts machine to spare someone else this ongoing misery I have two of their hard to find B&O cartridges I thought are worth salvaging, an MMC 10E and and MMC 4000. Maybe somebody could use them.

The Dahlquist DQ 10’s woofers were re-foamed a while back. The DQ 10’s otherwise are in original condition and work fine. I thought about putting them out in my unheated woodworking shop because I couldn’t bear parting with them. But that wouldn’t be a good environment for them. Occasionally I think I hear a stray moan or buzz out of them I’m not sure they are the source of. But hey, they’re almost 280 in dog years. They probably should be recapped at the least.

The Phase Linear 400 amp is in perfect working order. Never have had a moments trouble out of it.

The Phase 4000 preamp has had an ongoing issue with the right channel cutting out, I’ve had repaired three times over the years. Perhaps sensing it’s upcoming retirement, the right channel cut out two weeks ago again after being good for three years or so after its last repair. I had a number of new caps installed at the time of that last repair. Might be time to give up the ghost on this one.

The Phase 5000 tuner works perfectly. It’s not the world’s greatest tuner, but makes for a nice matched set with the other two Phase Linear components

The Burwen TNE 7000A transient, noise eliminator has been needing a repair since about 1980. Same deal as the preamp, only one channel works. I never got around to getting it fixed. It’s practically new in the box.

I’ve got an old inexpensive SONY CD player that’s definitely getting disposed of, and a Marantz 115 tuner that I was given for $30 twenty years ago. It works perfectly, but is surplus to my needs, and has been on a shelf in storage for a couple years.

So what do you think I should do with this stuff? Is any of it worth salvaging? Any advice about these vintage equipment would be appreciated. Maybe it’s time for them to go. Thanks,


We all do it differently, I suppose. I tend to keep working old equipment and throw away not working. I don't think about whether or not I am going to use it again, but sometimes I do use it even if briefly.
You have at least $2,000 worth of working equipment that 
someone will love to own. Larger cities will have Vintage
Stores that will either buy or take on consignment. 
If that's not an option what about a charity group like
Salvation army. Goodwill is "For Profit".
Would love to hear what the new gear consists of?
I also bought a new Phase Linear 400 when they came out.
More recently I was told they were nicknamed Phire Linears for the oft proven ability to ignite. Sounds like you had a good one! 
You have at least $2,000 worth of working equipment that 
someone will love to own. Larger cities will have Vintage
Stores that will either buy or take on consignment. 
If that's not an option what about a charity group like
Salvation army. Goodwill is "For Profit".
Would love to hear what the new gear consists of?
I also bought a new Phase Linear 400 when they came out.
More recently I was told they were nicknamed Phire Linears for the oft proven ability to ignite. Sounds like you had a good one!