Beware of the cable claiming long burn in period.

Almost all the audio equipment including speaker need burn in time.

But I had bad experience with one digital cable recently.

Some people blew the horn on it and claimed burn in time more than 100 hours.

Out of box it had lot of details but etched.

After 8 weeks (around 200 hours) it got little bit better but its overall performance is not better than other digital cable that I have had.

Now it is too late to return it.

Beware of any cable claiming more than 50 hours of burn in time.

The chance is high that you will waste your time and money.
Elizabeth, you are in audiophile mid-age.
Clean your records properly, get the same model speaker cables, upgrade the power cords, and you will get a jump in sound quality.
Then you might consider getting better table/arm/cartridge/phono. Then maybe preamp and amps. A lot of work to do.
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You can enjoy music without spending more money,

I had been that way from 2013 to July 2018.

After hearing my friend's big horn Western Electric vintage system, I started upgrading my system.

It cost me almost 18k$ but the fortunate thing is that it is almost over.

Please do not repeat the same mistake.

Stay away from other peoples high end audio.

Get off the upgrade train, folks. 🚂 It’s a train to nowhere. Necessity is the Mother of Invention. The cheaper you go the higher you fly. 
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