Does my amp have enough juice to power my speakers?

Having just read a review in Stereophile of my Audio Physic Step Plus speakers (which I have to my utter dismay ,knocked over and dinged AAAgh!), the author states that his Shindo Haut-Briton Power amp (20wpc) couldn't drive the Step Plusses and states that nothing less than 35Wpc could drive them.  My dilemma is that I have a Line Magnetic 216 IA rated at 22Wpc that sometimes sounds heavenly and on other days sounds eeh.  Do I need an amp with more boost?  

@tomic601 - Actually, I’ve been a High-SPL/Live-Music Universe dweller, in a variety of positions, since a teen. Who would be more conscious of the pitfalls? Still, I’m addicted to the real thing and realism at home. To me, it’s kinda like oxygen. You need it to live, from the time you disconnect from mom and it’s slowly killing you, for the rest of your life.
 @rodman99999 As have I, schlepping a stacked pair of Lascalla around the Midwest, then managing a high end audio shop, attending a lot of unamplified as well as amplified shows, then manufacturing where we built 84 wings a month using high speed riveters and hand guns, and now a life of amplified leisure and an acoustic bass and mobile recording rack...

yes the very thing thing that makes me rich, makes me poor

Ry Cooder

i have met many a musician with severely damaged hearing

bless all on this thread :-)

@tomic601 - Purportedly, the world’s first all digital, Pop Music vinyl(1979/BTYD). It got A LOT of demo play, in my showroom.  Funny: I just spun it yesterday, and- that’s always been my favorite cut(SO apropos)! It’ll now be a double entendre, to me. I feel a bit richer already!