Tube Rolling with the Line Magnetic 518 IA

I recently took delivery of the fine Line Magnetic 518 IA. This is an excellent integrated except it comes with basic inexpensive tubes. I'm lloking to hear from those who have done any tube rolling with this amp and what combination turned out to be the most musical sounding. Also interested in how many hours it took to break in this amplifier.
@willmacc,  I don't have this amp.  I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated and have tried the Tung Sol 7581A reissue.  I highly recommend them.  I've rolled KT150s, KT88s, EL34s and the 7581as.  The Tung Sol 7581a  is my favorite.  I like the 150s, 88s, and 34s too--each for their own qualities. But my all around choice is the 7581a.
By now I have PSvane Acme 845 tubes in the LM518ia.
Driven by NOS Tesla KT88 with white socket.
NOS Genalex Gold Lion U52 rectifier and Siemens E83CC triple mica.
When watching movies the sound comes out of the movie, goes deep into the movie and makes a sonic 3D scenario which is amazing.
I wonder if anyone have tried NOS EL37 as drivers for the 845s?
Or even NOS 7581a GE or similar?
Hello Zappasan - How is the Psvane 845 Acme sounding a year in now? How long did it take for them to find their groove and really sing? I just popped for a pair for my 3 month old LM 845ia. Out of the box and 9 hours of run time so far, I've noticed some additional detail and additional air, but not that sonic 3d sound that you described, and not what I once heard on a JBL system at Music Direct (my elusive ideal) - albeit the speakers were 15 times the cost of mine. In any case, I'm looking to be wowed beyond my initial wow when I first purchased the LM (So really, no major complaints here, given what's happening in our world today). To be sure though, I love my LM (had a PrimaLuna HP). BTW, I have Harbeth Super HL5+, Electrocompaniet ECMI CD player, AVID Sequel Turntable, Herron phono, and Kimber Kable throughout. Any other thoughts on tube rolling would be welcome. Also, and this is important, I have them biased at 70 just as I did with the stock tubes. Is that correct? Thanks!