Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
thank you Tom. all though i cannot honestly claim that i understand all you said, i get the main points for sure. When i listen to a well recorded symphony, such as on Reference Recordings, i really get a sense of a complete orchestra and it sounds real and alive  and very coherent, though obviously not at the same scale as the real thing.

Reference Recordings are completely phase correct, as is your playback chain unless there is a wiring error. So the signal at your speakers is phase coherent and if the speakers keep it straight you can hear that proverbial pin drop. Enjoy.
Your message to @ronkent mentions the phase coherence of the playback chain. How does one tell if the playback chain is phase coherent?
hi TT,  thanks for the recommendation of that album.  the one i got was live at Stone Mountain and it is really lovely.  You are one wise and insightful person as i can tell that from the way you write.
Todd - I mis-spoke to a degree. Much of the best modern equipment is phase coherent, but there is plenty of gear that employs global feedback, steep filters, etc. which introduce phase anomalies at super-sonic frequencies, which are known by some to be audible. Also cable can introduce such anomalies. Big discussion with contentious disagreement.  So, I retract my global statement. Note that much modern state of the art gear is paying attention up to perhaps 200kHz. Reading the performance of square waves, impulses and step responses tells the story. Beware when a review makes excuses that include "beyond human hearing". To match the ABrain's discernment in the time domain (a couple milliseconds), you need a couple hundred kHz in the frequency domain. So, old-fashioned brick wall CD upper limit 22kHz filtering will introduce phase distortion that is audible.  The gear that you guys consistently choose is generally very good in its phase performance.