One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?

Just a guess here, but has anyone looked into Lamm or Dart Zeel? I mean, let’s get real, guys and stop futzin around.
Noble100 has given the best advice. Your first answer had me on the floor laughing. Your second answer much more diplomatic and polite.
Thank you Noble100.
It just seems like people really don’t care about taking care of each other anymore...  Much easier to mock and dismiss. Fend for yourself, good luck, audition, try, buy, buy buy.... Very very comfortable spending money for the next best thing. 

Some of us are not wealthy. Some of us are audiophiles out here on our own. It is not an extravagance. It is something we simply must do. And I think it can be done way more systematically from top to bottom.

....because there are so many types of bread and ways to slice it we need at least as many knives? I think we can do better.  

And if we want this industry to grow and to support our favorite designers we constantly need to bring new people in and help to educate them. 
"That amp does not need to be perfect, but it needs to be competent, consistent, reasonably affordable and something we all can/could/will have a chance to hear."

     Okay, that clarifies your question for me.

     I would say that mikesfinest23's suggestion of a Hypex NCore based class D amp is a suggestion that meets all of your criteria you mentioned above.  
    These are actually a range of amps that are the best method I'm aware of for 'the masses to gain entry into audiophileland'.   These amps have measurable performance levels that objectively equal or surpass some of the finest and most expensive solid state amps both currently and ever made. As mikesfinest23 stated: "Superior measurable characteristics in terms of distortion, damping factor, efficiency, etc. while powering difficult loads down to 2ohms. Not to mention far more affordable that many suggested here..."

     Here's a good link to learn more about Hypex NCore:

     Years ago, The Absolute Sound audio magazine defined the ideal amp as "a straight wire with gain".  This meant an amp that would take an inputted signal, amplify it faithfully without adding or subtracting anything and output this accurate signal to the speaker.  This is exactly what Hypex NCore, and several competing class D power modules, are very good at.
    The above leads to amps which have a sound quality best described as neutral.
