Isn't a wondeful time to be an audiophile?

With all the new lower or intro priced vs. performance gear coming out recently. And with choices of sources, CD/ Streaming. I'm just thinking of how it must be for the newly converted. I started out back in the mid seventies. Let's see,if I remember correctly - Phono, Linn. Ortophon Dynevector Audio Technica?  Reel to Reel, Cassette. Dolby filters. Ohm's F, Snell, JBL speakers. Just to name a few. But I am impressed with the performance vs. price ratio of some of the new gear I've heard. For which ever reason, technical, marketing, production. There are certainly I believe not only more products to choose from but the choices are more affordable as well.
Yes there is concern for the future of this hobby, but why worry about something you don't have control over. Truth is its a great time to be an audiophile.
There is so much great sounding equipment, Even a lot entry level equipment sounds better than ever.
Lets not forget about the wide choice of music and music formats available, which is the heart of this hobby, isn't i?  Whether you prefer old vinyl, reissues, CD, streaming or reel to reel, its all out there. BTW, lets stop arguing about which format is better people, life's to short.
As so many have said, it’s a good time to be an audiophile. With so many 60+ longtime audiophiles retiring, many are downsizing. They realize that they can’t take it with them and are willing to part with some great equipment at prices much lower than MSRP.
OK, Now all the yea sayers please collect your parting gifts and move over to the right if you please. As for the naysayers please move over to the left against the wall and stand perfectly still,,,,No really I'm glad of ALL of the responses I've gotten but I was trying to compare then from now. Back then as far as the equipment is / was concerned, the choices were fewer and you'd have to make a more of a stark decision either this or that, price vs features pick A or B. As far as the music is concerned . Back then, 1) I would have to listen to my favorite radio stations. Hear what I like and based on that ONE song, 2) go out to the record store, 3) buy the album and hope I liked more than that ONE song, $7.00 for one song or $7.00 for ten songs. Now with Tidal. I checked out Nora Jones for example. Listened to ALL of her albums and finally came down to 5 songs that I really like and listen to and will listen to again. All for the low low price of $20.00/month. And that just one artist. I don't have to go to the store in inclement weather, wait in line and hope I'll like the whole album.  More of my time is spent on listening and enjoying music. thanx again.
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My greatest jaw drop at last year's Axpona was Elac's entry-level system.  Sound per Pound/$ was off the charts.

Also like the curated digital playlist, which is a great step forward from the record producer, disc jockey, and star-maker machinery.  But artists need to be compensated fairly.