Does my amp have enough juice to power my speakers?

Having just read a review in Stereophile of my Audio Physic Step Plus speakers (which I have to my utter dismay ,knocked over and dinged AAAgh!), the author states that his Shindo Haut-Briton Power amp (20wpc) couldn't drive the Step Plusses and states that nothing less than 35Wpc could drive them.  My dilemma is that I have a Line Magnetic 216 IA rated at 22Wpc that sometimes sounds heavenly and on other days sounds eeh.  Do I need an amp with more boost?  


I believe your Line Magnetic 216 IA can operate in triode at 22 wpc or Ultralinear at 38 wpc.  Have you tried Ultralinear operation ? Does it improve the listening experience ?  What outputs of the amp are you using?  Based on the published impedance curves it looks like the 8 ohm outputs should sound the best.  Just a couple of items that could be worthwhile trying.  
Ultimately I have found that my system can meet the demands of the speakers and can sound heavenly most of the time.  The variances are due to the quality of recordings and source inputs.  I guess I was hoping that the grass would be greener with more power.  I don't dismiss that more power might make Guns and Roses a little smoother, but for what I usually listen to, if I have a good recording, all is good.  On a separate thread I asked for advice on buying quality vinyl and I guess that is part of the equation.  Thanks for all the input.  I'm happy where I am...for now.
Sorry in my last post, the link I posted could be the wrong one, and this could be the right one of the impedance/phase angle curve of the Audio Physic Step, much harder to drive.

Cheers George