What are the weak points of Pass amps and pre-amps ?

Though there are perhaps better transistor amps, but Pass seems to be an excellent choice for many.
What is your experience with them, if you could elaborate ? Integrateds as well.
Knew it was just a matter of time before Troy showed up and told us why his products are superior to Pass.

Predictable and amateur. The OP specifically asked about Pass, not comparisons to others, said there may be better amps, but specifically asked about Pass, then a few posts later asked about weaknesses compared to strengths. He did not ask for someone to come in here and compare Pass to other brands, or sell them on something. But you just can’t resist.

That said...

For every dealer that has had someone go from Pass to Brand X... someone else has gone from Brand X to Pass labs, or from Brand X... to Brand Y, you know, system synergy and all.

OP, I could care less what you buy. What is interesting is how depending on the thread Troy will reference Pass. You know... the "new" Krell now sounds more pass labs like...

Pass hasn’t lost any edge. As Troy likes to do... just look for the reviews out there that compare the 250.5 to the 250.8... and the XP10 to the XP12, if you want to read reviews.

I like TeeJay, but if an amp sounds similar, yet is "less colored" - then it really doesn’t sound similar does it?

Personally I do like Coda, and Doug at Coda. But for me, a weakness of that amp is that MY PERSONAL OPINION IS - that amp looks terrible. (I liked their old look better).

Overall of all the "pro" reviews out there.... find me more than 10% that are bad about any product.

Lots of good amps, just depends on what you are looking for. Pass is one of many really good brands out there.

They do run a little heavy, and run warm. No question about that, per your original question.
Post removed 
Back to an earlier comment.

With Pass (250.8 in my case).  When I say they might not be the ultimate in top end resolution, I will clarify by saying this.  You don't lose any information, all the notes are there etc.  But say something like cymbals won't be as forward in the mix with a Pass labs amp as other brands in my experience.  

This may be a weakness or a strength depending on your speakers and what you like.  I like a big full midrange and do not want cymbals too far forward in the mix, I listen a bit loud and always tend to have cymbals distract me.  

Some people listen more at moderate levels and want every last bit of detail and sparkle.  Pass would do that, but maybe something else might be more enjoyable for that listener.
Dep you are so more advanced now aren’t you?

If TJ is prefering a Coda to a Pass Labs amplifier and stating that a $6,200.00 Coda is sounding as good as a $14k pair of Pass Labs mono amplifiers and Doug Dale worked with and was one of the lead engineers at Threshold don’t you think that is a valid point, not to mention being able to offer a product which is 3 times as powerful for only a bit more money?

As per ugly, meters are cool. Look how many Mcintosh amplfiers have been sold and they got meters if an amplifier has meters and sounds better and is more powerful do you think most people would care if the amplifier has or doens’’t have meters?

There are others are also agreeing that Pass is getting surpassed by T+A Does that mean Pass isn’t good, not it is not, there are however cooler running, lighter weight more practical power amplifiers that people should consider when making their choices.

Do you think that if jetter or anyone else got turned on to Coda by reading these posts and then loved that product would they be happy. or not.

Do you not think that we could have been Pass dealers? We were looking at the line long before we picked up T+A and Coda, we picked up T+A because it is among the very best products in the world with far more advanced design and construction then what Pass can provide for similar pricing and Coda is very similar to Pass Labs’ designs for considerably less money and is one of the best small companies out there in term of sheer sound quality for the dollar with fantastic build quality.

As others here have mentioned the heat, size and weight of a Pass Labs product means they are not beloved by everyone.

A forum should be open to all that are looking to exchange ideas and be open to looking at and listening to other products that may prove to be interesting, and who knows some people might actually find that they too find some of these alternatives to sound really good as well, and perhaps either offer more for the money or more performance, or both.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would not run them 24/7 and where I live it is often chilly except in summer so I would just turn the oil heater off and have the amps do the heating. In summer, yeah, but the equipment is in a living room with windows, some extra heat would not be a problem.Electrical bills..not sure, maybe $20-$30 per month more, I could live with that.
I also like big full sound, not forward not laid back, with deep and layered soundstage and three dimensional notes and silence moments. I can sacrifice some details and high frequency excellence. Besides, I don't tolerate high frequencies distortion, and there is so much of it in many recordings.