NHT 2.5i VS NHT Classic 4

Thinking of upgrading my 2.5i to Classic 4. Is there big difference between these two and is it worth upgrading?
Late to the party, but since other people read these forums besides the OP, I'll answer.

I've owned both, still own both, and dry up with the same amp and preamp, the Classic 4s obliterate the 2.5I's. Similar house sounds, with an up tilted tonal balance, but the classics disappear better, have more extended highs, deeper lows, better soundstaging, and sound more refined.
Hey Background, thanks for your post. I've always wondered how these two compared. I had the 2.5is years ago, then sold them only to re-buy another used pair about 3 years ago for $250.00. I've never heard the 4s (i had the 3s too), but have always been curious. i've noticed they have gone down in price tremendously on the used market. i might just go for it!!
Thanks man!!!!
I had an absolutely gorgeous pair of Mahogony 2.5's a few years back and as much as I wanted to love them I never got the sense that the bass was truly integrated with the mid's and highs. It always seemed detached and rubbery sounding to me (if thats a word) and ultimately I moved them. Even the wife liked the looks of them and she was quite dissapointed when I moved my NLA's back in but what can you do, they gotta bring the tunes...
Had the same problem with the 2.5i (jealous of that mahogony finish you had Polarin!) The Classic 4's (and 3's I have in my bedroom), are the first NHT speakers I'd recommend to anyone, not just people who like NHT.

People would hear my 2.5i's, and think about buying them, and I'd warn them off. They really needed the right amp, ancillaries, and room to work. The Classic 4's need power, but they're not as fussy. Heard them sing with an Arcam a38, and with my McCormack DNA1, even with a Pioneer sc61 I use when it's just too hot, and I don't feel like running my McCormack space heater. Couldn't run 2.5's off a receiver like that. (well, you could, but they'd sound like hell)

They're great speakers. My only audio friend has Thiel 2.4's, and while we're both too prideful to ever admit that "your speakers are better", we both get tremendous enjoyment out of taking over one another's systems when one visits the other.
I love 2.5's had a pair in the Sycamore finish , Super WAF .
But at the end of the day, they were just too inefficient to
be top speakers.