Here is what I, as in me writing something ( and not quoting something ), wrote ...please refer to the quote below.
Please note the 11th and 12th words. Now if I’m not mistaken they are ear and catching and together they say ear catching and I definitely wrote those words and to folks with their eyes open they are most definitely in plain sight. They were part of a paraphrase of a definition that was just above it. And btw that definition in actuality was written by someone else and is demarcated as a quote to indicate same ( this is how quotes work and why they are used...to properly attribute words to those who wrote them ).
Here is a thought, and don’t mean to nitpick, mainly because this is way beyond nitpicking, maybe you should invest in some basic reading comprehension or reading glasses, or both, because your latest attempt at scoring a cheap debating point has only yielded a classic face plant, and dare I say a spectacular one, as in dramatic and eye-catching ( though unfortunately for you in watching a train wreck kind of way ).
Hate to nitpick but this is definitely what you wrote (copied and pasted from your post)....spec·tac·u·lar Dictionary result for spectacular/spekˈtakyələr/adjective beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way. "spectacular mountain scenery"Or, better to say, someone else wrote it for you. No "ear-catching" in sight
Here is what I, as in me writing something ( and not quoting something ), wrote ...please refer to the quote below.
What I heard was beautiful in a very dramatic and ear catching way and thus my description of the event as spectacular matches up well with the Dictionary result found above. And that description was not an exaggeration or something not meant to be taken literally, it was what it was. As an important aside I should note that I do have the decided advantage of actually being an aural witness to said event, read in the frame when the event occurred, and as a result very much unlike yourself.
Please note the 11th and 12th words. Now if I’m not mistaken they are ear and catching and together they say ear catching and I definitely wrote those words and to folks with their eyes open they are most definitely in plain sight. They were part of a paraphrase of a definition that was just above it. And btw that definition in actuality was written by someone else and is demarcated as a quote to indicate same ( this is how quotes work and why they are used...to properly attribute words to those who wrote them ).
Here is a thought, and don’t mean to nitpick, mainly because this is way beyond nitpicking, maybe you should invest in some basic reading comprehension or reading glasses, or both, because your latest attempt at scoring a cheap debating point has only yielded a classic face plant, and dare I say a spectacular one, as in dramatic and eye-catching ( though unfortunately for you in watching a train wreck kind of way ).