Your point means nothing as the applications are different. Are you trying to tell me that NASA uses .26/ft Chinese made cable in the shuttle? Further, does NASA use the same cable throughout the shuttle regardless of application? I am sure in some industry a machine exists that uses uber expensive cable but I am not willing to do the research as I dont think your point is particularly germane. The possibility exists that extremely expensive cable only exists in audio because this is the only application in which the additional cost can be justified. My mind is open to the possibility while yours is shut.
Your point means nothing as the applications are different. Are you trying to tell me that NASA uses .26/ft Chinese made cable in the shuttle? Further, does NASA use the same cable throughout the shuttle regardless of application? I am sure in some industry a machine exists that uses uber expensive cable but I am not willing to do the research as I dont think your point is particularly germane. The possibility exists that extremely expensive cable only exists in audio because this is the only application in which the additional cost can be justified. My mind is open to the possibility while yours is shut.