Just how attached are you to this girlfriend? ;^)
Seriously, are you asking about speaker placement because you are unsatisfied with the sound, or just curious how much it can improve?
All the "rules" about speaker placement are to help you predict how speakers MAY sound best; they are not guarantees by any means. My speaker manufacturer recommends the back of their models be no MORE than 20" from the wall behind them. ( I think they sound better at 32") There are CDs that can help You test locations, such as the one by IsoTek. (No affiliation)
But the best bet I can see from the picture is to get the speaker to your Right further away from the side wall. This would probably improve symmetry a lot.
Best of luck.
Just how attached are you to this girlfriend? ;^)
Seriously, are you asking about speaker placement because you are unsatisfied with the sound, or just curious how much it can improve?
All the "rules" about speaker placement are to help you predict how speakers MAY sound best; they are not guarantees by any means. My speaker manufacturer recommends the back of their models be no MORE than 20" from the wall behind them. ( I think they sound better at 32") There are CDs that can help You test locations, such as the one by IsoTek. (No affiliation)
But the best bet I can see from the picture is to get the speaker to your Right further away from the side wall. This would probably improve symmetry a lot.
Best of luck.