Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?



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The node should only index when you ask it too. And you only need do that if you say disconnected the power or lost the internet connection or added a shed load of new music to the library.

I always left my vault powered up and cat7 cable plugged in at all times.

Oh and sometimes after an update you needed to reindex.
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