I was very fortunate to visit my good friend Teajay today and finally heard the Perfect SET with both the Threshold and the Triode Labs 2A3 amplifier. We started with the Threshold and the music was very good. The first thing I noticed was the Perfect SET was not a small speaker at all and could make big sounds at all frequencies. I liked the system with Threshold and thought the system sounded pretty good using a solid state amp.
I have always liked the sound of tubes better because they sound more natural to my ears. Next came the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier and I was literally shocked how good the 2A3 sounded with this speaker. I heard this amp on the Double Impact and it was terrific. The music was a bit sweeter and there was more meat on the bones as Teajay likes to say. I could have listened to the system like this all day. I connected with all the different types of music that Teajay played. In fact, I stayed too long and almost missed picking up my daughter! Everything just sounded a bit more natural with tubes. What I told Teajay is that you could feel the blood pumping through the musicians! The 2A3 amp played louder on this speaker than I would ever listen. It also had tremendous bass and treble.
Using this speaker with a flea powered amplifier is amazing! The speakers disappeared and sounded lovely. With the piano black finish this speaker is about $2,000. It looks great and is a ridiculous bargain for the money! It is so good that with a 2A3 amp you never need ANYTHING better! Teajay was right on the money with this one. I have never owned Teckton speakers because I use the amazing Beveridge model 2 Electrostats speakers with direct drive amps from the late 70’s. The Beveridges are one of the best speakers ever made but If I were to start over these speakers with the Triode Lab 2A3 amps would be on my short list. Heck I liked them even better than Teajay’s big system! The combo is that good. It is amazing how much sound you can get for little money! They are as good in my opinion as any Teckton I have heard. Enjoy!
I have always liked the sound of tubes better because they sound more natural to my ears. Next came the Triode Lab 2A3 amplifier and I was literally shocked how good the 2A3 sounded with this speaker. I heard this amp on the Double Impact and it was terrific. The music was a bit sweeter and there was more meat on the bones as Teajay likes to say. I could have listened to the system like this all day. I connected with all the different types of music that Teajay played. In fact, I stayed too long and almost missed picking up my daughter! Everything just sounded a bit more natural with tubes. What I told Teajay is that you could feel the blood pumping through the musicians! The 2A3 amp played louder on this speaker than I would ever listen. It also had tremendous bass and treble.
Using this speaker with a flea powered amplifier is amazing! The speakers disappeared and sounded lovely. With the piano black finish this speaker is about $2,000. It looks great and is a ridiculous bargain for the money! It is so good that with a 2A3 amp you never need ANYTHING better! Teajay was right on the money with this one. I have never owned Teckton speakers because I use the amazing Beveridge model 2 Electrostats speakers with direct drive amps from the late 70’s. The Beveridges are one of the best speakers ever made but If I were to start over these speakers with the Triode Lab 2A3 amps would be on my short list. Heck I liked them even better than Teajay’s big system! The combo is that good. It is amazing how much sound you can get for little money! They are as good in my opinion as any Teckton I have heard. Enjoy!