What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
@astelmaszek Best wishes and I'm glad we can agree to disagree, which is cool. The Dave and the Focals are a great match, they play to each other's strengths.By the way, how come Chord doesn't demonstrate their dacs with the free usb cables they provide? Just sayin...
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I would listen to astelmaszek if I were you. spend the money on wine (I recommend a good vintage port)

On a standard USB cable you may, given the known incidence of bit errors, hear a tiny, millisecond 'click' about once every 70 or 80 hours of use but there is no way that a cable (some wire) could possibly affect the fidelity of a piece of digitally encoded music travelling across it.

Please stop thinking analogue audio connections.

You want me to believe that this cable can extract the digital bit-stream from the analogue, then decode the music from the digital stream, then apply it's 'enhancements' to the music, then re-encode it to digital, then convert back to analogue, then pass it to the DAC.

These companies rely on

1) The thousands of audio lovers who spent years of thinking analogue, where the cable can make a difference.

2) customers believing the 'reviewers' (Those guys who have never given an expensive piece of equipment a bad review, and just happen to have an identifiable link to make your purchase).

3) people will never admit to having been fleeced

4) A cable that just cost a months salary will definitely sound better

And all of this after one of the major cable companies was caught red handed cheating in a demo to make their cable sound better, because they knew it wa impossible

Some say that if somebody is rich enough and/or gullible enough and/or misinformed then who cares. Well I care. I would still try to stop a billionaire from buying a 'special' USB cable or a 'USB Purifier' or a 'special' HDMI cable. None of them make any difference whatsoever

I replaced an Audioquest Diamond USB with a Revelation Audio Labs Dual Conduit cable after extensive A/B testing (not blind). Both cables sounded great but they did sound different and I slightly preferred the RAL in my system as it had a richer sound than the AQ. To each his own on cable purchases but as a buyer I would try a few out and keep the one that sounds best in your system.
I hate to say this, because I am NOT a cable hater, but so far I haven’t been able to find anything that equals the tried and true Belkin gold series. I got mine brand new for about $12.99 delivered. It not just equaled but actually trounced the few other pricier cables I tried, although I admit I didn’t try anything that cost more than my modest streaming dac. I am considering trying the mit and/or the aq carbon, since all of my analog cabling is from those two companies, but that is more for aesthetic  reasons than anything else. The fact is, the Belkin is really all it has been cracked up to be and should be an embarrassment to all those many audiophile cables that aren’t getting usb as right as this mainstream wire manufacturer did.