Vandersteen 7 mark ll or big Kef blades

I am considering a pair of one  of these.  Anybody have any suggestions , comments, recommendations?
2psyop, we never said any of the loudspeakers lines in this thread are 
"better" then another, We have said that both the Blades and the Legacy's products are very competitive loudspeaker lines that challange much more expensive ones.

In the case of the Blades vs the Vandy 7 they are $30k difference between them. 

In the case of the Vandy Quattro CT vs a pair of Legacy Signatures again you are at a $7k difference in price for a loudspeaker which plays louder and is more efficient, no you don't get tunable bass but for that you can get a Wavelet and do full room correction.

The point is that we have said is not to glorify any brand, the Vandy guys here are much more in the "only our product is the correct one because it is time and phase aligned camp" and only Vandy produces purely pistonic drivers therefore everyone else produces intrinsicly flawed products.

To which we have replied there are many fantastic loudspeakers that are beloved by those listeners, Wilson, Rockport, Magico, KEF, B&W, Focal, etc that are not time and phase aligned, 

If Wilson's midrange driver is not purly pistonic and the listener likes it better who cares it is the persons money. 

Our philosophy at our store is to find very high value for the dollar lines from class leading companies. Legacy represents a fantastic amount of performance for the dollar are they perfect no but they are great if you like what they do. 

The Kef line is also a fantastic overall line of loudspeakers we think they are less of a value then the Legacys, but there is no denying how realistic a set of Kef Ref 3 or 5 or Blades can sound. 

Yes the Vandy 1C are a fantastic loudspeaker in that price range, so it the 2Ce, you just have to like what they do vs the competition and what they do differently, we have found the Quad S and Z series to be unbelievable in this price range with  a totally different set of atttributes.

Long story short, go and listen to comparably set up products and decide which product is for you. They are all great in their own way.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Legacy, Quad, Kef dealers
Jim and James
current owner / operator of the following non-vandersteen speakers....

Klipsch Cornwall, Apogee Stage, Real Quad ESL 63, Thiel CS 2.3, and Dynaco A-25......

got to go flip the LP.....

on chasing your tail because you like out of phase cone breakup....there is no moving forward there just endless flavor changes......might as well buy a crappy equalizer and really mess stuff up.....

the german company that builds the $40 K scanning machine to identify cone breakup modes and out of phase behavoir did not do this for just Vandersteen, there will be plenty of real designers who care, versus flavor changers......
Tomic how unexpected of you, really chasing our tails?

Don't know about you but look up ATC most of the worlds top  recording studios and mastering house  use ATC  loudspeakrs, which don't have pure pistonic cones or open non reflective midrange drivers now do they?

I guess ATC speakers are not good now are they? By your admission chasing tails is that only Vandy speakers are correct.

Tomic you really need to go and talk with major loudspeaker designers like Lawrence Dickie of Vivid who was also B&W top engineer, about first order slopes and what they do wrong vs what they do right vs harder slopes and what they do right. 

I guess Kevin Vockes and Floyd Toole of Revel don't know what they are doing either, nor does Jack Oclee Brown of Kef fame, or Andrew Jones of TAD and Elac doesn't know what he is doing either?

Guess Peter Walker and Gail Sanders of Quad and Martin Logan didn't know jack either.

Tomic all loudspeakers have their strengths and weakness, for a $70k price tag I would take a set of Scanea Line arrays in a heartbeat over your Vandy 7s,

The Scaena lines arrays  had the scale and scope of live music we stopped selling them because the company was wonky, but the speakers were amazing.

Lets just agree to disagree, I will go back to listening to my Kef Blades, Legacy Aeris and Paradigm Persona 9H and keep chasing my tail.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Kef, Legacy, Paradigm dealer
Also Mr, M, how do you know how long we have been selling Legacy? When did you get a set of Legaxys, and what vintage, also what cables and equipment were you using? Was it the same setup you are now using with your Vandys? I am willing to bet you Vandy setup is not the same as your Legacy setup was?

We are not saying that the Legacy's are perfect they are a remarkable buy for $7k for a speaker that has so many attributes: deep bass, high efficiency, beatutiful cabinetry, advanced Heil AMT midrange and tweeter, custom midrange driver, if you like warm and full bodied sound which is what we hear with both the Legacy and the Vandys then both of these speakers would be for you.

If someone prefers more detail and a more upfront presentation then the Paradigm Pesonas will be even better although they sound a bit smaller in size. 

As per bass if you use a set of Isoacoustics isolation footers under the Signturatures the bass gets tighter and more articulate,

Enjoy your Vandy's not saying they arern't good.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Legacy dealers