Bi-wire Silverline Prelude II: Is it worth it??

I have a pair of Silverline Prelude II speakers. They can be bi-wired. Need input from owners of the same model if it is worth the expense of another set of cables to bi-wire. I have Analysis Plus Oval 12 and would only invest in another pair of speaker cables if they will provide improvement in bass control and HF frenency smoothness. Thanks Jim
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This a good speaker (and a better value), but it isn't the most revealing or resolving device in the world. I use a modestly priced single wire and would hesitate to throw too much money at cabling up the Preludes. Just MHO.

Mine sound fine with single run ZU Mission and Cardas Rhodium jumpers.
Better than Morrow SP-3.Straighwire Maestro,Nordost Blue,
MIT Avt,Audio Anaalysis 12 or DNM Reson.
Preludes are VERY revealing speakers (I have 'em) and deserve good cables. I actually talked to Alan Yun (thought I needed a new driver...false alarm) and he said not to biwire 'em. According to him they're more coherant using single runs of GOOD cable...I tried both bi and single and I agree with Alan. He also warned me to not lose the jumpers (in his adoreable Chinese accent)...they're costly to replace. Also, those jumpers do NOT need to be replaced with anything...if one bit of audio nonesense exists, it's the sound of an inch and a half of