Audio Critic 10 lies>>>>>>>>>>

anybody see a mazagine call "audio critic" about 10 lies in audio. I think the 11th lie is their 10 lies. I hope they going out of business real soon!!
I like Elizabeth's version better, especially the one about your wife doesn't know how much you spend on your system.
Thank you 70242241e18c for your posting back in 2001 of "The Ten Biggest Lies In Audio"! Peter Aczel was spot on! Sadly most members on this site have never read this or have chosen to ignore it! And so we have the sorry state of affairs today. Flat earth and voodoo science is all too prevalent! Now where did I put those magic blue fuses?
I found it funny that after Aczels epiphany he dismissed as delusional all claims for component differences he didn’t "believe" in, yet before his epiphany he had "believed" he himself heard those same differences. Was he delusional before his epiphany, or after?
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