Monitor speaker that will stop the Quest?

There's a great thread, "Speakers to hold onto for life".
The overwhelming consenses is that they're fullrange speakers.
How about us monitor speaker fans? What monitor speaker
do you own or plan on purchasing that will indeed stop
the quest for a better speaker, or to hang on to for life.
Glad to hear you're happy with the NuForce (haven't checked in here at audiogon for awhile). What preamp are you using?
I've heard the C-1.0s with high-end Simaudio (awesome) and also with a Bel Canto integrated (good but not great - I could definitely tell that the amp was holding back the system).
Post removed 
Im banging my head with these ones but they are so good they deserve a LOT more attention. Irrespective of the definition of floor stander or monitors, they are placed on stand but are quite large, they are the finest speakers I have heard period and the ones that have stopped my search for another speaker, now my quest is for a headphone that can be even remotely close, although that feels more of an utopia, but the speakers are the APL Gravitas NB-1
"Loving them so much they're for sale less than three weeks later!"

He did say he is selling them "with considerable remorse." :)

Analogkid -

I use no preamp in the usual sense, instead going through the software-based J River 15 playback application in my mediaserver, using its internal digital volume control. I output directly from an RME HDSP 9632 soundcard into the NuForce, with great results. My music is stored lossless(WAV) on the harddrive. Since both the RME soundcard and J River 15 appl. are ASIO-supported, they're exclusively "linked" during playback. IC's and speakercables are Mundorf's Silver/gold.

It appears a software-based preamp may seem controversial almost, at least with regard to higher aspirations in sound reproduction, but in my experience it's the route to go. I also like the minimalist approach this setup offers.

What is your current system?