Ayon vs. Mastersound vs. Vaic Tube SET

What is the relationship between Mastersound, Ayon, Vaic? Seems they've been using those names interchangeably. 

Also, I heard that Mastersound amps are notoriously unreliable because they create so much heat it causes the components to fail. Do they really have inherent design flaws? Also heard that their factory support is so poor which is why they're not well distributed in North America. I know there is only one dealer in Texas. 

If one is to acquire a mastersound amp, would there be any support in East cost NYC area? 
Does anyone know how the Evolution 845/ PF100 / Compact 845 from circa 2010-2013 different from Most recent model? Have they improved reliability ? 

Which Tube amps rival Mastersound ? 
IMO, it's very important to buy a "brand" that has good retail and great manufacturer support. It's fun to buy "exotic" but you are taking a chance you'll own a boat anchor some day.
" What is the relationship between Mastersound, Ayon, Vaic? Seems they've been using those names interchangeably. "
Can you expound upon this, what have you seen read , etc. that has lead you to this understanding?
I've seen quite a few amps on Audiogon labeled as Vaic and claimed to be made by Mastersound. 
I am guessing once you're in exotic territory you're getting a product which performs at the highest level, but at the same time the very fact that makes them exotic makes them unreliable as well. Take for instance any supercar. The more exotic you get the more capricious they become. 
That is why most supercar owners prefer to get vehicles which have a local dealership for reliable service.  
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