$10k Speaker Cables??????????????

Where does this madness end??? My friend the editor reviews this craziness!!

Cheers George
Riddle me this, Mr. Smarty Pants, so how come the Monoprice Cable sounds like crap, you know, relative to the Nordost? But if you like it, hey, that’s what counts. Most likely you never heard either one.

I imagine you probably think cheap Monoprice HDMI cables sound just as good as high end HDMI cables, right? Besides, that’s not an example of an extreme claim by a cable manufacturer. In fact, that “example” just describes the product. It’s actually just a description, not a claim. Hel-loo! Better luck next time. Shut the cave door and back to pigmy country!
"Mr Smarty Pants?"  Really, Geoff, I know you have no other pastime but hawking this forum (note your zillions of posts) but, please..."Mr Smarty Pants?"

Ditto on the HDMI...digital pass through cannot be improved upon.  You know that, don't you?
I've done a lot of work in the video field, and well, just keep thinking that way.... so I can sell superior audio and superior video gear.... and you won't have a clue how it came to be.
Geoff: calm down man! Advertising, by definition, is preying on uninformed people in order to inform them and attract their attention long enough to elicit an emotional response. Only then does a potential customer begin the process of "ownership," meaning, "I gotta have it." It's not a judgement call, it's generically what it is and what it's intended to do.

Jeez, I had no idea that comment would elicit such a response. Maybe I should go into advertising.
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