Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
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Why do you not take PPT up on their offer of a trial ecard.
Mrs.ppt gave everybody here Tim’s phone number a few posts ago, talk to him. He really is easy going and VERY enthusiastic about his work.

sez ...

  • "That is Captain America to you Frank. Advice??"

Nope, I believe you suffer from delusions of grandeur and see yourself as Capitan America. You know, the saintly chap with the superior intellect, garnered at a college that sets you above the Great Unwashed, while you go around saving the world from all of those boogymen who prey on the uninformed, the weak, the women, the less fortunate in society ... and especially those who may want to spend their own money on what you see as bunk.

Advice? Yes, take a long look into the mirror and have a genuine heart to heart talk with yourself. Ask yourself the question of why it is that you have such an inflated sense of importance.

At this point, I won’t get into the psychological reasons that some people find pleasure in attempting to destroy the dreams of other’s, or take pleasure in burning viable businesses down ... or keying luxury cars left unattended in parking lots. We can cover all of that later if you continue to persist in your negative, offensive diatribes.

Now, please ... try to be a good citizen and treat folks with respect on these forums.

Thanks ...

Understand and hear you.
It took me quite a while to be able to fund the green to pay for my first order but Tim had been kind enough to send me a couple of ecards foc.

After a few weeks of hearing what just a couple of the little guys could do I was hooked and ponied up.

I wish I could afford a lot more but one step at a time.