What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?

Assuming cost no object, equipment matching no issue, wife no opinion, what are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna own and what is (are) your current speaker(s)?

Don’t worry about being the best ... nor most expensive ... they could be something you’ve never tried yet, and you feel intensely curious about...

(if you feel you already own your dream speakers, just state so, for our education?)

My top 3 (in any order)
YG Exquisite Extreme Grand limited
Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic
YG Sonja XV

What I have now (in any order)
Kharma CRM 3.2 FE
Wilson 3/2
Western Electric 10D (odd isn’t it?)

I really wanted the tannoy Arden Legacy and then I went and got them ...... organic music I wanted ..... makes me hanker for Westminsters but would need the stately home to match them properly.
Frankly, however, I would not buy any of those. This is all utopia, there are no realistically sounding speakers. There are many problems in the way of achieving it and the first one is signal conversion. We hear electricity imitating reality, sometimes pretty good. But it's imitation, it's not a reality.
Save your money, get something modest and decent for $25k-$50k depending on room size and music preferences and call it a day.
There are better ways of wasting financial resources.

@inna Of course it is fine with much cheaper systems. I can't afford any of the speakers mentioned in this thread right now (or I don't want to put all my money on that). That doesn't mean it is wrong to dream about them.

Regarding that it is not reality, that is true but I can't get all musicians and bands I like to play at my house whenever I want so I will have to keep living with this imitation. And getting that imitation better and better is something I would like.
Livin Voice Vox Olympian, Vox Elysian       GIP-9900.                                                        Shindo Latour and Drivers Field Coild
Newest multi-panel Magnepan
Newest one panel Magnepan
Newest surround-sound Magnepan

I prefer speakers that reproduce music accurately.

If I wanted rock, I would buy 10 Marshall tube amp stacks and call it a day...that's all your are hearing anyway, so...