What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price?

Assuming cost no object, equipment matching no issue, wife no opinion, what are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna own and what is (are) your current speaker(s)?

Don’t worry about being the best ... nor most expensive ... they could be something you’ve never tried yet, and you feel intensely curious about...

(if you feel you already own your dream speakers, just state so, for our education?)

My top 3 (in any order)
YG Exquisite Extreme Grand limited
Wilson Audio WAMM Master Chronosonic
YG Sonja XV

What I have now (in any order)
Kharma CRM 3.2 FE
Wilson 3/2
Western Electric 10D (odd isn’t it?)

Assuming that I don’t have a new apartment to fit a pair of Wilson Alexx or Avantgarde Trios with a couple pairs of bass bins, I’d probably get Wilson Alexia 2. And I even that might be too big for my room..

I may seriously buy this speaker late this year though 🙂
Likely speakier I will move to will be Aerial Acoustics 7T. 

Speakers I have heard in person that I think are wonderful would be B&W 800 D3 so maybe down the road when the used cost come down.

If I’m dreaming too many to name and honestly have not heard in person so why bother but I would love to hear the MBL’s as mentioned by others. Heard many Wilson’s, the Magnepan 30’s and on down and a lot of other exotic speakers but never had the pleasure of hearing the MBL’s; the looks alone makes me want them.

Years ago It would have been a pair of Proac Response 5’s. Yeah, I’d probably take those today still.
"...get something modest and decent for $25k-$50k"
As much as I completely understand and agree with the above comment, I cannot but notice what a spoiled hobby this is. $25 000 - 50 000 is a lots of money.
Sure is. But $4-$5 for a cup of good coffee in NYC is what ? Do the math, if you want to drink it five times a week. And those $100 per month cable bills along with over $100 phone bills.
Compared to many things excellent audio system while expensive is not too bad. For my place this would be $25k speakers new and if I decided to go with used for the same amount, well, I would figure it out. You don't want to overwhelm your room, that's for sure.