Question for Platter spinners regarding IC

I am currently using an AQ Wildcat phono IC between my VPI Prime and Rogue Pharaoh Integrated.  I am interested in advice and opinions of installing an AQ Columbia IC in its place but cannot find any information regarding specs for either cable on AQ site or anywhere else. Nothing on capacitance, inductance etc. I realize I'll have to run a seperate ground using the Columbia. Does anyone have specs for both ICs or know where to find them. What may be a concern or blessing using a regular IC in place of a Phono IC? Any input is appreciated. 
If you're thinking of trying a regular IC its real easy, pull one from your other gear and try it. Problem is its a crap shoot. Might get lucky and it works. So then you pay for a better IC, only to find too late its got all kinds of noise and problems when used on the table. Low cartridge output is a special situation that calls for special solutions. 

My first arm was the Graham 2.0 another arm with RCA's which I thought was great- IC flexibility! Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Cartridge output is so low it really needs one continuous run from the cartridge pins to the phono stage. Probably won't believe me. Didn't really believe it myself. Until I changed arms. What you are missing in those connections, you will not believe.

But anyway if you are looking to upgrade I have a really good Synergistic Research phono IC from back when I had the Graham. SR didn't even make phono IC's back then, I was friends with the biggest SR dealer in the country and he got Ted to make it for me custom. Its grounded and worked great with the Graham, Benz Glider, and Benz Ruby. Like new condition. Forget if its Resolution Reference or whatever, PM if interested I'll let you know.
Thanks for the reply. Already have the AQ Columbia in hand and wanted to know if anyone had tried it and to get their opinions. Would it do anything detrimental, other than SQ, to give it a try? Running a Ortophone 2m Black right now on the table. Down sized components and the Columbia was a very nice connection from my ex CDP to the Rougue. 
There is absolutely no possible way to harm anything by trying one pair of ICs versus another between the tonearm and your phono stage. It is sad, however, that a company like audioquest, which makes audiophile interconnects, does not list the capacitance of their cables, if that is really the case. However, there is no way to do any harm by trying. Listen for high frequency extension. Use what sounds the best to you. Pay no attention to anything else or anyone else.

In a phono connection you generally want shielded interconnects, but whether that is really important in your locale is only to be determined by you. Shielding per se increases capacitance. So often there is a trade-off, if your cartridge is particularly sensitive to capacitance. (In which case you may sense a slight roll off of high frequencies, as suggested.)