Looking for speakers with soundstage depth

I guess that's what it's called. There have been some really nice speakers in my system over the last few years including Vandersteen 2CE signatures, Meadowlark Audio Kestrel IIs, Revel Performa M-20s and a few others. The Revels were the most accurate speakers I've owned but when I pulled my trusty old Kestrel Hot Rods out of the closet I was once again caught by there very natural and fun to listen to sound. Even though over the past four months I've had numerous "never heard tha in there before" moments with the Revels, I sold them.
What the small, unassuming Kestrel HRs give me is a 3 dimensional soundstage that none of the other speakers could match. It was also the first time I had hooked them to the Bel Canto eVo2i which was an eye opener. BTW, I'm pretty much convinced it's the coherent time alignment that contributes the effect.
So my question is what speakers under 2K (used) will provide what I'm looking for? The newer Thiel 1.6 or Thiel 2.3 might do it. Maybe something like a pair of Magnepan 12s?
My room is small but well treated. Any suggestions or should I just stop looking? Thanks.
Agree there is something about time n phase correct speakers.  I auditioned the Thiel CS1.6es at home and they were really great with imaging and sounstaging.  And NO, they weren't bright sounding -- quite refined actually.  My hesitation is that they're no longer in business, and as an owner of another defunct speaker make I can tell you it's like walking on eggshells.  At some point something can blow and you could be screwed.  Then again, as an owner of Meadowlarks (great speaks BTW) you've obviously got some experience with this. 

Obviously Vandys are just great speakers that do the time/phase thing as well or better than anyone.  That said, time/phase coherence isn't an absolute necessity for imaging or depth of stage.  There's more than one way to skin a cat, as it were.  I'll throw in Joseph Audio and ProAc as some of the most holographic speakers I've heard.  And I'll also mention Nola with their open-backed mids and tweets, and a lesser-known brand Boenicke has some very interesting technology and rear-firing tweets.  I guess from that perspective, VonSchweikert deserves a mention too as does Usher, Verity, Giya, YG, Rockport -- and on it goes.  Best of luck in your search. 
most good quality, relatively coherent speakers will give a very deep sound stage when properly positioned including distance from the wall behind them.  
I have heard everything from KEF LS50s to Harbeth M40.2 deliver an impressively deep soundstage when they have room to breathe behind them- e.g. as much as your room can offer up to five feet or so.  
In addition they need proper toe-in and positioning relative to each other.