Qubuz feedback and membership Plan Suggestions

I received an email with a welcome to the US launch of Qobuz yesterday. Has anyone here had experience with the service? How does it compare to Tidal, Pandora, etc? Any suggestions as to which subscription plan is better than another? Any insight is appreciated  
I'm perplexed. Can anybody explain what's happening with my 
upgrade to Qobuz Studio?
   Albums and songs in the Qobuz app indicate hires rates, but when playing them in the BluOs app they all appear as CD quality.

I understand that favorites saved from the Sublime level will be CD, but all new hires music appears as CD on the Play screen. 

Am I missing something?

Not sure Lowrider.
I am using the Studio plan via the Auralic Lightning app and it shows the hires rates and plays in the hires rates.
When I had Bluos I only trilaed Quboz at cd quality.
Hopefully somebody can help

I had to  “delete all the imports”  for EACH imported track from the playlist I built while in demo mode. Now as a Studio account, I can re- import those tracks which are available in 24/192, or the highest quality that any track is available with. I found the playlist didn’t necessarily return me to the highest quality option for a track so, you need to do a little hunting. 

@gwbeers, ok thanks, that makes sense. 
What doesn't make sense is when I find new music and it says 24/192 on the album, I save it as a favorite and it plays back with the CD icon. This is in the Bluesound app. 

@gwbeers How do you like the MB50 as a streamer? Have you tried it as a preamp too? Thanks