Were it to stop at that it would be understandable and reasonable, I mean, some folks, and rightfully so, do not share either the fundamentalist understanding of science that is a large part of the skeptic’s "intellectual" arsenal, or what it ultimately represents as a world-view. But words like foolish, stupid, gullible, and deaf are routinely tossed around when describing those who have committed the apparent sin of buying anything more than inexpensive entry level cables. But the fun doesn’t stop there, any manufacturer who dares step outside the carefully prescribed circle of cable righteousness is branded a liar, or a charlatan, or a snake-oil salesman, or a thief....Sweet, real sweet, and definitely not a strategy to develop some form of solution or understanding....no, its more like building a justification to burn witches at the stake.
What’s funny is this level of vitriol is not routinely being used by the other camp in this, errr, discussion.
or calling them unscientific.
Were it to stop at that it would be understandable and reasonable, I mean, some folks, and rightfully so, do not share either the fundamentalist understanding of science that is a large part of the skeptic’s "intellectual" arsenal, or what it ultimately represents as a world-view. But words like foolish, stupid, gullible, and deaf are routinely tossed around when describing those who have committed the apparent sin of buying anything more than inexpensive entry level cables. But the fun doesn’t stop there, any manufacturer who dares step outside the carefully prescribed circle of cable righteousness is branded a liar, or a charlatan, or a snake-oil salesman, or a thief....Sweet, real sweet, and definitely not a strategy to develop some form of solution or understanding....no, its more like building a justification to burn witches at the stake.
What’s funny is this level of vitriol is not routinely being used by the other camp in this, errr, discussion.