New Amps Arrived...

Just got my new amps installed in my system, Pass 260.8 mono's. They are replacing my ML333 snd I am very happy at the moment, everything that I lost as the ML was failing is back with a vengence. Currently running it though it's paces, trying all my music that I am very familiar with and then some. They were demo's so already burned in, allowed them to warm up for an hour (recommended by Pass), actually left the room and let them play.

The weekend is going to be crap here, so I will be spending a lot of time listening here. I am hoping that this is not 'new car syndrone' but I guess only time will tell. I can not recall hearing the Hawks sound so dynamic on such a wide selection of generes.

Anybody familiar with these amps and can suggest something that might challenge them so I can fully appreciate what they can do? Off to Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here shortly, currently Dire Straits, then maybe some more Jazz and back to some classical. So far I like everything I hear....
O-Zone percussion jazz variants or Charlie Byrd direct to disc side one should get your dishes rattling.
The Planets - Montreal Symphony/Charles Dutoit - London

The bass on Saturn will demo their power.
Nina Simone:  little girl blue
dire straits: brother in atms
mary black: Columbus (really good stand up bass)
So you're now driving $3250 speakers with $10k worth of amps?  Don't get me wrong as I'm a big fan of Totem speakers, but dude!  Time for a speaker upgrade maybe?

Anyway, get Rush Stages if you really want a blow-your-doors-off experience.  Forget which song it is, but on one of them Neal Pearl launches into a long drum solo that is just monsterous and recorded live.  It's epic!  It will show off the best of your speakers and amps.