Eminent technology et2 on Linn Lp12

Hello all

I am considering the possibility of this combination. I already own the Linn. Its a mid/late 70's model. A friend has the arm. I have a Denon 103 cartrige to put on the arm. 

What are your thoughts on this combo.

I currently use a Thorens td160 with SME 3009 improved and Denon103 cartrige that I like. AN M3 Line pre with tube and SS power. Tannoy MG 12 speakers. 

Also. I am going to make a new arm board. Is there a preferred material or should I stick with the MDF. 

Thanks for your thoughts. 

Well after all the discussion I have decided against the ET2 and went with the Audio Note arm1. Easy install, no maintenance and works great with with the Linn LP12 and my Denon 103 MC cartrige.
Thank you to all that took the time to reply. There were many very descriptive posts that I leaned a great deal from.

I am sure this arm will serve me well. 

@pkvintage   Good move. While I think that the ET2 arm may have given you a bit more SQ than the Audio Note, I also think the odds were a LOT higher that you would regret the decision- what with the mounting issues, the ongoing maintenance and so on with the ET arm.
Enjoy the new AN arm.
What is the effective mass of the AudioNote Arm1?  DL103 likes a VERY high effective mass; there’s almost no practical limit to how high as against almost any other cartridge I know about.  Which is to say the compliance of the DL103 is VERY low.  During this back and forth about the ET2, I was wondering more how the DL103 would work with the ET2 than I was about the ET2/Linn combo.

Is your friends ET2 tonearm, the 2.0 version, with aluminum armwand and single leaf spring on the I beam ?  


I will provide you with an answer to your question later today. 
