changing most anything in your rig should demonstrate some new or different vistas on the presentation.
some changes are bigger than are others.
when was the last time you drove your speakers with tubes?
ever run a tube line stage preamp on the same level as your ayre? or use one much above it?
then, when did you insert a tube amp to push those Harbeths?
either adding a tube pre or adding a tube amp or amps, or adding both pre and power amp using tubes could be just what you are missing, or wanting.
try an amp that runs EL 34s in triode, and or ultra linear config.
tubes are a whole new perspective on the exact same types of music you already dig.
for the most impact either change the power train or parts of it, or change the speakers.
usualy speakers will have the greatest impact on a sound system.
BTW…. don’t listen to any self proclaimed audiophile who tells you something you like the sound of is actualy sounding terrible.
audiophiles are just a bunch of know it alls that seldom know it all.
its your ears. and its your money.
maybe go back and get those Gallos.
I will have to say on that Gallo note, I’ve not been too impressed, I’d opt for stepping up within the Harbeth line up provided you dig their sound already but want more resolution and detail.
… but if those Gallos were great IYO, by all means get them or their next higher siblings.
the target in this pastime as i understand it is to be hapy with whatever you asemble as your ref system.
it ain’t about the bling. or the things. though for some it is indeed.
IMO, its about being satisfied and enjoying the outfit. looking forward to firing it up. finding new tunes. letting the audio affect you accordingly.
then too, you could simply change out a power cord or two.
everything matters… except audiophile feedback that says your stuff sucks. what do they know?
be well