Lets replace my Klipsch La Scala Speakers

So after 2 years of trying to make them work, they just aren't the speaker for me. Here is some detail so you can help me decide what to move to next.

My room is untreated and 12X13X12
Sources: Vinyl and Dac both tube driven
Preamp and amps are all Tube Driven
Amps are: SET 7 watt and 2 different push pulls 20 watts from one and 60ish from the other
Music : Blues,Classic Rock, Indie, Some modern, some heavier rock ,and just discovering how good Jazz can be

I have tried:
solid state amps,crites crossovers, ALK corn-scal-wall crossovers, svs subs added,horn loaded subs added, Schiit Loki in line, toed in toed out. Corner loaded, pushed together, I even moved my room 90 degres to try and get a better sound out of them. Trust me I have tried it all.

Here is what I liked:
Huge soundstage 
You are there live at times when listening
Love being able to hear the detail they offer
Love the bass when present

Here is what I disliked:
They can get shrill quick 
They are so revealing music can sound just bad (I realize that should be a positive, but it isn't)
Very bass shy
They aren't "warm" at all. There is no real thickness to the mids. Detail, but not thick.

We are going to sell this house eventually so I do not want to invest a bunch on treatments for the room. I have 2 other speakers that can be run. Some older Polk Monitor 7A that are actually pretty impressive, and could have the crossovers updated and a few other things to really make them shine if I wanted to. I realize they aren't a Hi-Fi speaker but they are balanced and warm/musical. The other option is the Decware DM947 speaker system. It's good and fairly new to me so I haven't decided to keep or move them down the road. So far they are laid back with some nice sparkle. They image really well and are very forgiving of the room and the recording I am listening to. 

So let's hear it! What did you replace your Klipsch speakers with, or what are you using that matches what I am after. 

I replaced my Klipsch Lascalas 40 years ago with B&W 802, S2.  I like the B&W sound as well as Totem Acoustic Hawks and the classic Snell B-minor speakers from 20 years ago.
I have a bunch of stuff but my all day deal in my office is a Bryson 14b hooked to a pair of nautilus 802’s powered by a that I scored cheap $2500 cosmetically a little beat up but they keep up with my “all over the map” sonic brew- they can crank rock and sound good with lighter stuff - 
once in blue moon I’ll hook up my KLF 30’s to See if I can blow the roof off but it’s similar as they too get real “shrill” real fast- 
Am I the only one thinking that your room is way too small for the LaScalas.  The speakers are 2 1/2 ft X 2ft X 2ft.  Placed side by side the speakers are 1/3 the size of your wall.  

I would recommend @$1000 or so level, to try a pair of the Zu Audio Dirty Weekenders


Or as suggested above, Omega Loudspeakers, though you may need stands.



@tnk1998, there have been some good suggestions made for speakers to purchase however you still might not know what can be achieved from any speaker without some room treatment.
The SOUND you are looking for comes only from a Magnepan speaker.  Unfortunately, your amp may not drive them.  Try some of the less-expensive ones with a sub since you like big rather than accurate bass.

(I know, in live concerts, rock bands kick-up the bass so everyone in the stadium can feel it.  That ain't music, but you may like it.  Get the sub and see.)

BET you like them if you want "live soundstage" sound.
