I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul!

Hello all.
To start here's my system:  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers with DIY 10" subs. JL Audio CR-1 crossover. Rotel RB 981 power amp for the subs. Ayre KX5mp pre amp. SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. Cardas reference neutral interconnects. Kimber 8Tc speaker cables. Oppo BD105 player. 

The system sounds great but it does not move me. I want the music to touch touch my soul. I have been through many different speakers in the past 4 years but I like the Harbeths the most. I feel bored when I'm listening. I'm not sure what to do other than spend more money. Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Let me get this straight. You had speakers you liked but got rid of them because your cousin didn't like them. You previously had a set of speakers (Revels) that "drew you into the music" but you got rid of them for Harbeths. Now you want advice as to what will "draw you into the music"??! Are you serious or are you just getting your chuckles out of wasting the time of good folks who genuinely want to help? This is ridiculous, I'm out.
I have just one word for you. Tweaks. Without tweaks something terrible happens. Nothing. Without tweaks CDs usually sound thin, two dimensional, closed in, thuddy, synthetic, bland, and like paper mache. Even on an Oppo.
I'm not sure why I care what anybody thinks! I think my cousin may be my problem! 
Thank for your help carpathian. Sorry to waste your time.