john_simp OP21 posts
03-12-2019 1:24pm
I’m using a Harman PA5800 that I recently purchased from a friend. I’ve had it for less than a month. The transformer is not loose, and the amp appears to be in excellent condition. I also moved the amp to another location in my house and the amp is silent.
I also moved the amp to another location in my house and the amp is silent.
Do you have a multimeter to check the voltage at the wall outlet the amp is plugged into that doesn’t buzz?
Check the voltage at the wall outlet where the amp buzzes.
Does both measure the same voltage? What is the voltage?
Does one measure higher than the other? What is the higher voltage measurement?
The wall outlet that causes the amp’s transformer to buzz. What all is on that branch circuit?
Light dimmer/s?
CFL Lights?
Florescent lighting with electronic ballast?
Cheap LED light bulbs?
Plasma TV?
Go to the electrical panel and find the 2 breakers that feed the two outlets. What breaker location (circuit) numbers are they? The numbers will tell me if they are fed from the same Line, Leg, in the panel or a different Line, Leg. (Example. Both on L1, or both on L2, Or one on L1 and the other on L2.
Is this a picture of the amp? Looks like a big toroidal transformer.