I would definitely go used to get the most speaker for your limited budget. I would also not discount older models as long as the condition is excellent. Check if the surrounds and leather pieces are dried out or cracking. I bought my Elipsa SE as dealer demos at a very good discount. The were only a few months old and barely broken in.
I would search Hifishark and Audiogon for speakers in your area. Also ask your dealer if any of his demo speakers are for sale. You can search Audiogon by zip code. If you find something interesting in your area, ask if you can see and hear them in person.
Get the best possible speakers you can even if it means putting off other upgrades. That way you won't be looking to upgrade again in a year or two. Constant upgrading is expensive in the long run. I made a plan and worked toward it. Each piece I bought, I planned on keeping for a long time.